Your Bold and Beautiful Aspirations

What’s bigger than a BHAG and small enough to hide in your pocket? It’s those hidden dreams for what your organization can become and what you can do in the world. Not just your “stretch goals” or even your BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal). You’ve pushed yourself to write those down and used them to help your team achieve more. That’s fabulous. And, I’m betting there’s more. Your bold and beautiful aspirations.

Leadership for Imperatives for Complexity #5

As leaders, we often identify our role in terms of the results we are responsible for. And yet there is a second aspect of your role in complex situations that is just as important to focus on – creating the conditions that foster the emergence of your desired outcomes. Yeah, that’s a lot harder to get your arms around than the results. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t matter.

Leadership Imperatives for Complexity #4

Complexity is messy. When we encounter a messy problem, most of us tend to pay attention first to “the problem” as something separate from us. For example, if the quality of public education in my town has declined, I look at things like school financing, teacher preparation, curriculum, etc. I implicitly define the problem as “out there.” While those things surely deserve attention, I’ll be more effective in making changes if I also consider myself as part of the system and thus something that might be changed to shift the system.

2017 Scholarship Winner Announced

I'm very excited to announce the recipient of our 2017 coaching scholarship, Mimi Marziani, Executive Director at the Texas Civil Rights Project. I'm very much looking forward to working with her!

In Q1, 2018, I'll open applications for the 2018 scholarship. If you want to be among the first to know, sign up for blog updates or my monthly newsletter. You can learn more about this year's scholarship program here.